Awareness (BRONZE)
The RIC Awareness service (BRONZE) delivers industry-leading situational awareness, offering more than three hundred reports per year, providing accessible intelligence to organizations of all sizes and industries.
Awareness service
The Awareness service is designed to cater to organizations across various sizes and industries. Providing more than 350 reports annually, this service guarantees top-notch situational awareness of the global security and threat landscape. Whether it's regularly scheduled reports or ad hoc updates in response to major global events, organizations receive a thorough overview of potential threats and high-risk areas. The service encompasses daily, weekly, and monthly intelligence reports that provide a proactive outlook, assisting decision-makers in foreseeing and readying themselves for impending challenges.
- Daily Intelligence Reports: Daily INTREP updates (Monday to Friday) on significant events in the global security and threat landscape. Based on world events, additional daily reports are included as appropriate (i.e. COVID-19, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine etc.)
- Weekly Intelligence Outlook: Weekly outlook (issued every Friday) on the global and security threat landscape in the week ahead. These reports provide an overview of items of intelligence interest based on their severity and ability to influence the security and threat landscape.
- General Intelligence reports: Regular reports (approximately x1-2 a week), including but not limited to:
- Intelligence reports on significant global events, such as conflicts, pandemics, terrorism etc.
- Security advisories on threats and risks, and options to address them.
- Monthly Intelligence Summaries: Monthly intelligence summaries (INTSUM) provide an overview of significant events / developments in the global security and threat landscape.
- Monthly Threat Forecasts: Threat Forecasts provide an overview of significant events (including planned events and potential flashpoints) in the next calendar month that have the potential to cause disruption or impact organizations.
Elevate your risk management
The Risk Intelligence Center (RIC) offers customized services to empower organizations globally in effectively managing risks across diverse industries. Whether you require daily insights or a dedicated intelligence team, our services are meticulously designed to fortify security measures and contribute to a safer global landscape. Contact us to learn more or discuss your specific requirements.

Peace of mind
Contact us today to find out how we combine cutting-edge technology with real-time intelligence to keep you and your business safe. Email us at or complete the form.
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